Mobile version vs. adaptive design – Making an educated decision

What is the major difference between adaptive design and. mobile design?

The mobile and responsive designs are designed to make the website more user-friendly for people who access it on smartphones, tablets, and other devices. Enhancing the mobile-friendly design of the website is also important because website flexibility is essential for SEO since it’s an important factor in search engine ranking. However, mobile version and responsive design work in a different way, so before choosing one of them, you need to differentiate their capabilities.

A mobile version can be considered to be a separate and distinct resource. It’s typically a smaller version of the site that has a separate address that visitors are able to access through redirects. It’s not an exact copy of the desktop version, but there’s no drastic difference between them either.

The term “adaptive” refers to the possibility of a reconfigurable and scalable primary website. A web resource adapts to screen sizes without having move to a separate address. The content is exactly the same as that on the main resource, but it’s just encoded differently.

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Both offer the exact same content at the same address, but it’s displayed differently based on the gadget.

Pros and pros and


  • It is much easier to make modifications with no redundant elements.
  • The website can load faster because it isn’t overloaded with data.
  • The pages are accessible to users who do not have to hunt for information that is not needed.
  • If the mobile version isn’t practical, users are able to switch to the main version.


  • You can limit or remove certain features and contents from one version.
  • A second address is required by the users.
  • Multiple URLs with identical content could result in search engines penalizing users for duplicate content.

Pros and cons of an adaptive version


  • It appears to be the most popular search engine particularly Google.
  • It’s very simple to set up.
  • It is not necessary to create new URLs.
  • You can also make use of redirects.


  • It is not possible to switch to the desktop application if a user is unable to do it.
  • Because it is identical to the desktop version, this website may load more slowly.
  • It may be difficult to figure out how to begin making changes since different users tackle different needs.

Which is the best SEO option either an adaptive or mobile version?

If a site is optimized for Google the search engine, there are no other options for you – Google strongly recommends an adaptive design. They state that there are a variety of essential factors to consider when it comes to search engine optimization:

  • Google algorithms only display one page and not multiple versions;
  • The chance of errors occurring on mobile websites are less
  • Googlebot is able to scan pages that have more speed and efficiency.
  • Users are able to share content at the same URL
  • possible problems with loading caused by redirects or the user agent;

SEO specialists have a similar opinion to Google: adaptive design is superior in search engine optimization because it does not duplicate or cut content, and is easier and quicker to manage the website. It’s also less complicated and thus quicker to implement and is usually more affordable for customers.

Search engine services: Checking website adaptability across multiple devices

Google released a new tool specifically to check the adaptability of websites online. Google’s mobile optimization check is available at

Services utilize the similar interface to examine websites for adaptivity: they enter the address of the home page into the address bar and the algorithm estimates the mobile-friendliness of the site and shows the results. Each search engine has its own analysis parameters. It is important to select the one you like. If you are promoting on Google, make sure the website can be adapted to Google.

What should I be paying particular attention to?

It’s easy to test the website’s adaptability on different sizes of screens. Let’s pay special focus on the results. The ease of use for the user is the main element.

You can make a website user with a smartphone feel at ease by rearranging the blocks in a way that they can be easily seen and utilized.

  • Formats that do not work on mobile devices shouldn’t be used.
  • The clickable objects should be placed in such a way that users are able to click them without having to hit other buttons.
  • Texts should be published in large print.
  • To avoid scrolling horizontally to avoid horizontal scrolling, all content must be the same size as the screen.
  • Action buttons (Buy, Order, Sign up) should be well-lit and noticeable. They should also be large.

In general, everything must be functioning and visible. If it is not, then adaptivity testing services will inform you that the site isn’t compatible for viewing in mobile devices.

If you choose to test the adaptability of your website via Google, you should remember that Google finds non-optimized web resources unfavorable:

Google’s adaptability test for websites will quickly identify any issues and tell you what to do.

Take into consideration your intended audience’s requirements and wants, and then try to see if it offers enough features when you browse the website via smartphones or tablets. After you’ve implemented an the adaptive design or mobile-friendly version of your website Test it several times to verify that it works well.